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Name:GE-601 converter gas analysis system

In the converter steelmaking process, the online analysis system detects and analyzes the content of CO, CO2, H2, O2, CH4 in the furnace mouth gas in real time, which can optimize process control and improve product quality. In addition, from the perspective of energy saving and emission reduction, the recycling value of converter gas often requires online real-time monitoring of CO and O2 content to provide effective data basis for gas recovery.

In the converter steelmaking process, the online analysis system detects and analyzes the content of CO, CO2, H2, O2, CH4 in the furnace mouth gas in real time, which can optimize process control and improve product quality. In addition, from the perspective of energy saving and emission reduction, the recycling value of converter gas often requires online real-time monitoring of CO and O2 content to provide effective data basis for gas recovery.

In the converter steelmaking process, the online analysis system detects and analyzes the content of CO, CO2, H2, O2, CH4 in the furnace mouth gas in real time, which can optimize process control and improve product quality. In addition, from the perspective of energy saving and emission reduction, the recycling value of converter gas often requires online real-time monitoring of CO and O2 content to provide effective data basis for gas recovery.

converter gas analysis system (CO, O2)

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